
General Information

Full Name Richard Nennstiel
Year of Birth 1992
Languages German, English


  • 2021
    PhD (summa cum laude)
    University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
    • Doctoral thesis "Educational and social structural analyses from Germany and Switzerland"
      • Supervisors Prof. Dr. Rolf Becker and Prof. Dr. Ben Jann
  • 2017
    Master of Arts in Sociology (GPA 1.1)
    University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
    • Master thesis "Determinanten der Entwicklung der Lesekompetenz in der Sekundarstufe I - Lernumwelt und familiärer Hintergrund"
      • Supervisor Prof. Dr. Thorsten Schneider
  • 2015
    Bachelor of Arts in Political Science (GPA 1.1)
    University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
    • Bachelor thesis "Carl Schmitts Staatsverständnis"
      • Supervisors Prof. Dr. Andreas Anter and PD Dr. Oliver Lembcke
  • 2014
    Bachelor of Arts in Sociology (GPA 1.1)
    University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
    • Bachelor thesis "Reproduction - The competitive advantage of sanctioning institutions"
      • Supervisor Prof. Dr. Roger Berger


  • 2021 - now
    Research Associate
    University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
    • Department of Sociology of Education (Prof. Dr. Rolf Becker)
  • 2017 - 2021
    Research Assistant
    University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
    • Department of Sociology of Education (Prof. Dr. Rolf Becker)
  • 2017
    Student Research Assistant
    University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
    • Institute of Sociology (Prof. Dr. Throsten Schneider)
  • 2016 - 2017
    Student Research Assistant
    University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
    • Institute of Educational Science (Prof. Dr. Maria Hallitzky)
  • 2012 - 2017
    Student Teaching Assistant
    University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
    • Institute of Sociology (Prof. Dr. Roger Berger)
  • 2012 - 2014
    Student Research/Teaching Assistant
    University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
    • Institute of Political Science (Prof. Dr. Andreas Anter / PD Dr. Oliver Lembcke)


  • Long-distance running, Baking, Traveling